Twelve-Year History is a website that conducts historical research to document history using a unique methodology. We believe history and time is not only moving chronologically, but is also progressing exponentially. This could also be said this way...that history is unfolding in a fractal pattern. If you are reading this for the first time, then you are likely confused by these statements. However, we encourage you to be patient with trying to understand this concept. Humans do not naturally think about time in terms of an exponential curve, but rather, we are trained to think chronologically, as that is how each of us experience time. But when we are able to view history exponentially, its rhythm and order comes into clear focus.
We hope you'll continue reading and exploring twelveyearhistory.com in order to understand how it works as well as discover the meaning behind this pattern. Please consider becoming a subscriber to gain unique insights that are helpful for investing, understanding history, and day-to-day life in general.